The First American Militia (FAM)
is a quasi-military, independent militant militia
organization. They were founded by General William Ashcroft
Judd, Senior. He founded the group for white, Anglo-Saxon
males, on the premise that he was going to overthrow what he
and others considered the corrupt government of the United
States, and replace it with one of his own. Most of the
original members of the FAM were former military,
dissatisfied with the current state of the Armed Forces.
They had a base, deep in the woods of the California
mountains. They were methodical and deeply committed to
their cause, and believed that they were ‘right’.
With that in mind, they
carefully planned, over many months, to kidnap Harriman
Nelson and make an example of him before the nation. They
believed that the government would cave in, and they would
come into power and clean the nation of all its’ ills.
Karen Davis, along with Lee
Crane and Chip Morton, went into the compound and rescued
the Admiral. In the course of the rescue, General Judd was
killed. His son discovered his body, and vowed at that
point to destroy Karen Davis, as well as everyone and every
thing that was associated with her.
In time, the nature of the
organization changed, and while overthrow of the American
Government was its’ first priority, its political
affiliations changed. The younger Judd realized that a
multi-ethnic organization was better suited to his needs,
and he began to associate with other groups, from other
nations and nationalities that were seeking to do in the
U.S. government. He therefore expanded his abilities for
covert work, observation and financial support, pretending
to espouse the various philosophies, while tailoring the
work to his own use. |