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Lt. Cdr. Jonathan Yellowhorse
Head of Communications, SSRN Nelson

Jonathan Joshua Yellowhorse, 38, 6’, coal black hair and dark eyes, was born on the Navaho Reservation in Arizona.  He is the great-grandson of one of the original Navaho Code Talkers who gained fame during World War II.  He was educated in the Indian School System.  Excelling academically, he also showed an amazing aptitude for electronics.  At the end of his junior year of high school, during a visit to a college fair, he met a representative of the Virginia Military Institute.  Impressed with the cadet and with the opportunities, both academically and financially, as well as the traditions that the military college offered, he applied for, and gained, admission.  The fact that he was not bound to one particular branch of service the entire time there, as well as the fact that he could make his decision after a length of time became the deciding factors over the regular service academies.

Yellowhorse made it through VMI’s infamous ‘Rat Line’ with such acclaim that his stoic nature became legendary long after he graduated.  After his first year, he decided on the Navy as his career path and opted for the NROTC track.  He graduated cum laude and entered active service immediately.

He served at numerous bases, the most notable being San Diego and Great Lakes.  It was at Great Lakes that he met Jamal Baker.  On several occasions, the two ended up sharing quarters, and each admired the other’s abilities.

During his time at San Diego, he became acquainted with Caitlin Davis Crane while working on a project for Admiral Jiggs Starke.  He had heard about her stepfather, Admiral Harriman Nelson, and yearned for the chance to apply for a position aboard the Seaview.  It was not until the commissioning of the SSRN Nelson that he finally got his chance to serve with the Nelson Institute, a place he refers to as a ‘Nirvana for the best of the best of Navy personnel

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